Thursday, December 15, 2011

Still Me

A week of goofy outfits, music during passing , and a pep rally, all leading up to one thing. Homecoming. A huge football game and the dance.

Friday night, Denver North and Jag fans alike poured into Trailblazer stadium decked in spirit wear, waving rally towels and listening to our amazing marching band, all hoping for a win.
But there can only be one winner, I’m happy to say, we walked about victorious 42 to 0! Way to go Jags. An amazing performance by are marching band, and the crowning of our homecoming royalty started off this weekend of fun!

How did you get ready for the dance? With friends? At home? At a salon? Well, however you got ready, Saturday night  was one to remember! The gym and halls were decked out in glitter, dancing lights and streamers. Rocking out to Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. Did you party rock shuffle? Or dance with the special someone? Saturday was a night of pictures, dancing , and midnight curfews, dresses and refreshments. Something to laugh about at lunch. Did you go? Great! If not, make sure to go next year!

the  performing arts department has been in full swing over the last couple of weeks.  The activities started off with a bang when local billionaire is suddenly murder in a Chinese restaurant. Murder on The Orient Express directed by Mr. M, was a hilarious play involving twelve suspects with motive for murder, poison tea, and spooky fortune cookies that had me laughing in my seat.

The Jr. and Sr. choir classes had their first concerts of the year this month. The Jr. high choir started off the week with stunning performances of the Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful. Later in the week, the Sr. choir sang Babethandaza, a South Africa folk song to Hawaii Five- O. The concert choir also preformed the Star Spangled Banner and the show choir  preformed Disco Survives, a medley of fun, fast beat music. And finally, the women’s choir beautifully sang If I Knew You Were Coming I’d’ve Baked a Cake, and Come Pretty Love .

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